09 January 2008

Maybe it's a tumor...

It's not a tumor. I've been getting these terrible migraine-like headaches that are sensitive to light and sound. Turns out they are tension headaches from clenching and grinding my teeth at night. Last summer my dental hygienist identified the wear on my teeth and ask if I wake up with neck pain and headaches. I was like yeeeaahhhh..... So she told me it's from grinding. She suggested I get a night guard from them that will prevent it. I opted not to at that point since they are SO expensive and for some dumb reason the dental insurance doesnt' cover them! So I got one from Walgreens that has a little thing that goes between your teeth. It worked, the headaches practically stopped. I'd still get little ones, but those were probably just normal run of the mill ones. Nothing like I'd had before. So all was well. Then they started coming again. Just one every now and then. Now I'm back to having a couple or few a week. So at my dentist appt in December I found out that what I'd been doing has made my jaw worse. The little thing between the teeth is slightly squishy. So at first it worked and the headaches went away. But as time went on, my jaw muscles strengthened because they were squeezing the little thing. And they came back. So I stopped wearing it and I'm now thinking I'm just going to break down, bring my credit card out of retirement, and get the damn thing so I don't have to deal with this crap anymore!

1 comment:

joanne said...


I am sorry to hear about your jaw, hon. I hope it gets better. How expensive is the teeth grinder guard thing? You should get it, though. It's worth the expense. You're worth the expense!!

Let's go get some vino one of these evenings!