17 March 2006

Well, work is getting busier, so that's one good thing. I got my six month evaluation done yesterday. 7.5 months after i was hired in this position. So I believe I should have some backpay coming for a raise that i should have gotten Feb 6! That'll be cool!! That will help contribute to the home buying cause!!

I went to see the loan lady with my dad on Wednesday so he could help understand and ask questions. She was such a flake. I told her I wanted a $100k loan. So she started saying stuff about with a 5% down then it'll be a $95k loan and blah blah blah and i'm like what? What happened to the $100k? I have to make a downpayment on my loan in addition to the down payment on the house?? So she was all oh, that's why you told me you wanted a $100k loan. Duhhh. (she said that, she said duhh. very professional. i feel like i'm in very capable hands!) what a fruit cake. So anyway, we arrived at the heart of the matter. Got a great interest rate on it too. so we're going with that. now i just need to find a house!! I have an appointment with a real estate agent on saturday. So let the games begin!!

11 March 2006

No go

Well, my mom called me last night about the house I was looking at. The lady who owns it called her for some dumbass reason and not me. Said that they got an offer for more money and they are closing next week. So oh well. But one good thing about it is that she kinda freaked out when an inspection was mentioned. Asking why I need one and that the house is fine and there's no reason to get one. So that was fishy. And then my mom said that she also said that she's still thinking about selling. But if they are closing next week it doesn't seem like there's much to think about is there? So that situation turned out weird and perhaps it's for the best that I didn't get that. Although if she was weirded out about an inspection maybe I would have found out something even before I bought it anyway. So back to the beat. Got to wander around again looking for homes that are way overpriced for the little pieces of crap that they are and try to find another one that I can live with.

09 March 2006

Home search

I've been considering buying a house for a while now. But since I have a real full time job now, it's much more of a possibility. So I've been looking around some lately. My mother has also been helping me look since she works fewer hours than I do, so she wanders around looking for homes for sale in areas I like. She did find one over the weekend that is priced ridiculously low for it's size and location. it is missing a couple of things that I was specifically looking for. but those things i can't get for the price i can afford. it does need some fixing up. but just from what i could tell going around the place, most everything it needs done is cosmetic. so that's not a problem. i can take my time taking care of those things. As long as they are not necessary repairs, it doesn't matter and it's a freaking steal. now, i'm a little scared that my mom picked a house for me that i like. so either i was very clear about what i wanted or else we have similar tastes. that is very much the scary part. cuz my mother is a freaking weirdo. but this house just seems so totally great for me!! it's about the size i want. a little smaller actually, but quite a bit bigger than the other houses in my price range! so i gotta go with what i'm able to get. so that's a definite plus. just over 1300 sqft. and it's just me and my junk. and i have a ton of junk. i have a 2br house filled up right now. so spreading it out in a 3br will be nice. i think i really like that house cuz i've already started planning in my mind where i'm going to put things!!! and it has sooo many of the things that i DO want in a house, so those few that it doesn't, i can do without. and besides, those things can be fixed anyway so i do have them! so HA! I just called the lady and told her i'm interested and would like to see a purchase agreement and get things going!! WOOHOOO!!!

Oooooohhhhhh my goodness!!

Joanne reminded me of something that happened on that last day in Vegas. We were walking down the street and I was off in la-la land somewhere. This guy walking towards us was apparently staring directly at my tits and as we are approaching and passed he goes "Ooooooooooohhhhhhhh my goodness!!!" not at all quietly and Joanne just started dying and I had no idea what was wrong with her. Then she told me. I guess I noticed him looking in my general direction but didn't notice what particulars he was looking at. It happens a lot, so I guess I'm used to it and don't pay much attention. But it amused J highly, so that was worth it all.

06 March 2006

We're not buying any more drinks unless they are free!

OMG!! Vegas was GREAT!!! We had so much fun!! We walked a TON. When we ate at the buffets on saturday and sunday, we ate a TON! And when I got home I weighed myself and was 4lbs lighter than the last time I weighed myself on Thursday or Friday! HAHAA! We also went dancing Saturday night at this club at the Rio. The Voodoo Lounge I think it was called. Up on the roof. It was so cool!! Weird little guys kept coming up to hump my leg, but other than that, it was great! And the fact that my feet were absolutely dying at the end of the night and my toes were numb. My second toe on my left foot is still kinda numb. So that's not good I'm sure. But on Friday when Joanne was all buzzed and goofy, she came to a conclusion about purchasing our alcohol for the weekend. She said, and i quote, "We're not buying any more drinks unless they are free!" So that became our motto for the weekend! Man, she was a blast! She's such a goofball! I had so much fun with her. We definitely need to do that again!!!

02 March 2006

Still going!!

I woke up at 5am this morning feeling absolutely terrible. My throat was killing me and it hurt so bad! So I ate a popsicle. I discovered popsicles don't last indefinitely in the freezer even thought they are individually wrapped. But it was cold and that felt good. Then i had some rainbow sherbert. Then looked up the location of the nearest urgent care and called to see when they are open. I went back to bed for an hour or so. Got up, showered and headed to urgent care. They did the strep swab and all that. But I don't have strep. Just some generic viral infection. The doc gave me some anti-virals which she said don't usually work, but you never know. I said I'd like something since I'm going to Vegas tomorrow!!! So she suggested that i drink as much of whatever I like to make me feel better! HAHA!! I like her!! And to win some money in Vegas cuz that'll help too! HAHA! she gave me somt 800mg ibuprofen for the swelling of the tonsils and the lymph nodes. That has helped i'm thinking. Two of my nodes that were swollen and hurting are much better now. One of them I can't even feel anymore. So no worries, i am still going to Vegas. Like i said before no matter what!! I did all sorts of laundry last night, so all I have to do tonight is pack!! And I'm ready to go!!!

01 March 2006

Vegas - No matter what!

I've got a bit of a cold right now. When it started out a couple days ago, I thought it was just allergies and i took an allergy pill and it didn't really do much. So this morning I tried some day quil. That seemed to work quite nicely. So I'm dosing up to try to get rid of it before me and Joanne go to Vegas on Friday!!! I'm so excited!! I haven't really been anywhere in a couple of years. It's very sad. And I haven't been to Vegas in about 5 years! Although I guess I should count visiting my best friend in Colorado Springs as going somewhere. But that doesn't seem like much of a vacation cuz I drive there and that's damn hard. I've started getting ready to go. Did some laundry and cleared out my travel bag from when I last used it for housesitting. It's a tad before 10 and I'm thinking I better get my butt to bed so I can rest up and try to get healthy by Friday afternoon!!