24 March 2008

Stupid Boss!!

Wait sorry, that was redundant...

I came in late today, which is a whole other blog in itself.... I just start getting settled in. Talk to my friend/coworker here about what's going on at home. Then I go to my office to start working. After a bit my boss comes in and told me he just emailed me the insurance for a team that he's been talking to and he told them that they could use Graves park on Tues, Thurs and Fri.
I said: WHAT? I'm already giving it to a team that I've been talking to on Fridays. And we can't schedule anything on it on Tues & Thurs!
SB: Yes we can, there isn't any soccer there on T&Th. Well, you go ahead and give it to them on Fridays. But I was going to give it to this guy I was talking to. Remember, I talked to him first.
Me: What? When were you talking to him?
SB: Remember last week when I came in and asked you who is at Graves?
ME: Yeah but you didn't say why, you just said you needed to see who was there!
SB: No, i told you that I was going to put this team there.
ME: No...you didn't!
SB: Yes I did you just don't remember. I asked you who is at graves and i told you I needed to see when it was free so I could put this team there.
Me: UGGGG!!!!
SB: So go ahead and put them there T&Th, there's no soccer there.
Co-worker: Why were you scheduling a field anyway? Just let Alyssa do her job and this sort of thing won't happen!
SB: Well i've been talking to him forever so I just did it for him.
CW: But that is Alyssa's job! You should have told him to talk to her.
SB: Oh well, I did it for him. I've known him forever.

AAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!! I was so tempted at that very moment to call up my guy and tell him, you've got the park all three days you want! tues, thurs And friday! but that soooo would not have been a good idea. i'd get Serious hell from SB and he'd be seriously pissed and i don't even know what. But i totally wanted to throttle the living crap out of him!!

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