18 July 2006

Happy Homo...

...wner. When i was going home from closing I called my mom and said that i just became a homeowner she goes, "HOMO??" So i had to repeat myself. She started cracking up and told my dad that I became a homo as she was cackling to herself. So holy crap! I have a house!! On Sunday me and my mom went running around getting a few things. She got me a screen door and a new faucet for my kitchen. I got some bathroom stuff, a curved shower curtain rod, towel rods and some little accessories that were on clearance! shower curtain, waste basket, toothbrush holder, soap dish. ALL in the color I wanted and those were the only color that was on clearance! The same exact style ones in different colors were regular price! HHAAHA!! So last night I took a few boxes to the house and installed my towel hangers. I had one rod and one ring for a hand towel. i might do my curtain rod tonight. then my bathroom will pretty much be done. i'll just need to move the rest of my bathroom stuff over. It's gonna take me forever to move cuz before I actually got the house, i just wasn't motivated to do anything cuz i didn't have a house yet! But NOW! Yikes! i have a ton of stuff to move!! it's going to be insane! I'm taking a day or two off this week to get crap taken care of. Probably tomorrow and thursday. EEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!

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