01 March 2006

Vegas - No matter what!

I've got a bit of a cold right now. When it started out a couple days ago, I thought it was just allergies and i took an allergy pill and it didn't really do much. So this morning I tried some day quil. That seemed to work quite nicely. So I'm dosing up to try to get rid of it before me and Joanne go to Vegas on Friday!!! I'm so excited!! I haven't really been anywhere in a couple of years. It's very sad. And I haven't been to Vegas in about 5 years! Although I guess I should count visiting my best friend in Colorado Springs as going somewhere. But that doesn't seem like much of a vacation cuz I drive there and that's damn hard. I've started getting ready to go. Did some laundry and cleared out my travel bag from when I last used it for housesitting. It's a tad before 10 and I'm thinking I better get my butt to bed so I can rest up and try to get healthy by Friday afternoon!!

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