18 February 2010

Great Googly Moogly!

It's been over a year since I was last on here! How is that possible? Although it's not from lack of trying. I've tried to log on a few times in the past few months but for some reason couldn't get my username or password correct. Today it worked! I don't know that i actually have anything to say right now. Oh holy hell of course i do! We bought a house!! moved in on the 1st! We got EVERYTHING into the house by friday the 5th. Ever since then we've been working on getting settled. It's getting closer. But there is still SO much to do! I can't find my jeans so I need to go through some clothes boxes. I've mainly been wearing sweats! I have one pair of jeans out that fit. We've pretty much gotten the house organized the way we want it. Now it's just a matter of putting things away. I also need to get rid of things. That's a big issue for me. We got out of a tiny house that was cluttered all to hell. We don't want a big cluttered house!