13 November 2008

Day 23

Who knew Wild Singles were only a buck at the Dollar Tree??  It used to cost me a few beers!!  HAHA!!  They were my Hawaiian punch packets that you add to bottled water.  There is nothing in their name that has wild in it!  not the flavor, nothing!  I don't know where they got Wild Singles from, but it cracks me up!

Day 22

I was off for Veteran's Day so I stayed home and worked.  Did laundry, cleaned like crazy, did more laundry.  At some point in the afternoon I looked out back.  There was a river of water coming from the house behind the laundry room.  So I went outside and I find this crap!

Day 21

Puppy cam!  We've been watching this online at work for days now!  Omg, it's so addicting watching those cute little puppies playing, sleeping, fighting, eating, sleeping, playing....

Day 20

My friend had ankle surgery last month.  She has this bracey wrap thingy she wears and her toes are usually exposed.  It's just hilarious to me for some reason when she has a sock over her toes!

Day 16

Baby fish at one day before 5 weeks old.

Day 15

11/04/08  Voting Day!

Day 14

from 11/3/08.  I found this note on the floor of my car in the back.  It must have migrated out from deep under the seat....it's only over a year old!!  It was from a friend of mine when we went to stay with her for our family vacation in August.  2007!!  HAHAHA!!  yikes.

03 November 2008

A Year in Photos - Day 12

This was the Only picture I took!  I was getting ready for a halloween party.  Sent this to my hubby while I was getting ready.

A Year in Photos - Day 11

Nathan at work made this little guy on the head of a tennis racquet and poked it over my cubicle wall.  OMG that thing was hilarious!  He had it rigged with a string and rubberband so that he could stick the tongue out and wiggle it and all that!  Holy crap that thing had me rolling!  Especially when I just hear my name called and look up and see This!!